Обсуждаем плакат «Главный блюститель прав человека», Николай Свириденко. 09.02.2015

Плакат "Главный блюститель прав человека", Николай Свириденко

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P.S. Если же спросить у Яндекса, то сразу получается пара цитат:

The Olympic flag … has a white background, with five interlaced rings in the centre: blue, yellow, black, green and red … This design is symbolic ; it represents the five inhabited continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colors are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time. (1931, Textes choisis, vol. II, p.470, 1931)

On page 18 of the Green Booklet (both French and English versions) the text says that the colours of the Olympic Rings attributed to the respective five continents are as follows: Blue for Europe, yellow for Asia, black for Africa, green for Australia and red for America. According to the documents in the possession of the Chancellery, no definite proof can be found that this allocation of colours was P. de Coubertin’s original idea at the very most he might perhaps have admitted it afterwards. To put an end to all controversy on this point the E. C. of the I. O. C. has decided to cancel this paragraph and not to allocate any colours to the various continents. The C. E. begs all those interested to take note of this. (Bulletin du Comitе International Olympique, Number 25, January 1951)
// 10.02.2015
Петров Александр
11.02.15 00:24
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